What u like???


I dont know about u but i like to go out in sun, i like fresh breeze, cold and my favourite is water i like ocean, i like its wastness. Once i got this oppertunity to do scuba diving it was amazing whilem that was a beautiful sunny day fresh breeze was there upon the sea currentsm currents were not very wild just enough calm so that one can dive in the sea. My boat man took my friends and me to a safe place where sea was not very deep and there he told us to put on the scuba mask hold the rope and slowly get down in water, i did so it looked very easy to me but suddenly he started boat engine and i felt like i cannot hold the rope anylonger well, our guide taught me that i must hod the rope so that water can flow easily previously i was holding the rope tight with my palm but after his instruction i held the rope with my armpit freeing up both hands, now i was relax and suddenly i realize that im inside sea it was very wast i felt like im flying and underneath me there were many natural skycrappers shining on the sunlight and then i got scared when i saw a very big fish almost the size of my arm it looked very heavy swimming alongside my leg then i sa 2nd one then i was a star fish on one of the rocks sea was so deep that i could not see its bottom it was a very frightning scene but when i realized it i got very thrilled and scared both at the same time after seeing its wastness, suddenly i noticed some water was coming in my mouth as my scuba mask was broken it was unbearable water was so salty that my eyes started burning i did not wanted to stop so i renoved it washed on the sea water and again put it on, after that i was there in the water fr almost 15-20 mins. when i come out i felt we have got so much god has created so many species before that day i could not even imagine...

That was my first encounter with the ocean after that overwhelming moment i felt respect for it and also felt bad that we humans are ruining our natural places and beauties...

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