Relation or Relationship we share?


Can you understand what these images are trying to express? Yes, certainly any sane person will be able to tell you that these images shows care, affection , trust and so on. Well it is nowhere written or any information provided but still it goes without saying. Same way in real life in families friends you must be having experiences of good and bad person not all friends are good nor the relatives, sometimes in same family husband and wife doesn't have understanding between each other, though they belong to the same family.

In marriages though both husband and wife has take equal wows at the time of marriage but still we can see long queues in front of the courts for divorce, why this happens? both are committed and has taken all the wows. On the other hand there are many relationships we share like at the bus stop i daily see some old buggers and we greet each other and sometimes they pay for my tea and sometimes i pay for theirs, we also chat though there is no relation involved but still we know each other and trust, so the point i want to make here is
"Relation and relationships that we share among each other are altogether different things and if someone finds both in one person nothing can be better than that...".

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