Darkness before the Dawn
Darkness suggests that dawn is appearing soon.

The darker the night more closer the dawn will be.
Till now i used to believe in that but now i feel its just an illusion of my mind as every time i cope up with changes, that is how we grow, but till what extent? now i feel like its a never ending process and everything is happening in just random order and in turn triggering new events, what is this number? "100", one would simply answer this is number hundred but it is number hundred because we say so, we all agree on that otherwise number "100" and number "1000" could be thought of as a same number.
This is nothing but our belief which holds us but when our belief breaks again and again, then we start finding the answers, and this process keeps going on till we are alive, if we believe in god and in our self things can be easier but its this universe which picks some to learn this lesson and can feel that everything around us is illusion just the mirror image of our mind which we make with all the matter present in this earth otherwise if we could see the thoughts and real world we would have seen just the flow of energy, transforming from one another.

Sometimes my belief forces me to trust on god, and remember that whatever happens, happens for a reason, small example of this, is our earth, as per best of our belief, earth is the only known planet which holds life in it but how come the planet is placed in our solar system in just the right distance from the sun just enough distance to nourish the life form one meter closer all the essential matter to nourish life form must have got evaporated in one meter far it would have got freeze and would have not been able to sustain life.
Its our mind which plays with us which makes us to believe, to feel whatever we see around us.
I feel like one should not know more so that he/she can enjoy the life, now i cannot see the things the way they appear, i cannot enjoy its beauty, everything appears to be the same, it looks like everything around us are just the drops of one energy source.
Now i am not able to enjoy the beauty as i my reasoning denies everything, after each fall down i became more reasonable and now i can live with anything, everything and in anyplace as now i can reason the things that why they are so and can live with them the way they are it does not matter to me, I don't feel enjoyment any more in sensible things as now all things looks insensible to me, for me darkness and light are just the form of same energy, that is the reason i am so illogical and do the things just because i want to do them.
One must always believe in god as it provides base to stand upon in this baseless world.
But now i no more trust anything, they are just floating around me, when you want something and get the same in return all things make sense, but when you don't it feels like everything is happening at random. No matter whatever happens, life doesn't let you rest it keeps flowing, and the fact is you rest only in your grave.
Its like if something has to happen one cannot stop it, because its your will, then no matter however hard one may try, you don't let him do what he wants or just makes him wait so long that things doesn't attract him anymore, so i don't care, do whatever you want, as now all things are same to me. Either good or bad, heaven or hell i can live anywhere.
I wish i could be afraid of something, at least you(god) but now i am not afraid of anything, i can stair straight into your eyes without fear...
I wanted you to slap me, when i offend you but there is nothing but a silence i cannot feel your presence.
To me its just getting darker every time.
Now i will not go anywhere, i will always be there around because i know you does not exist, it is we whose faith created you.

The darker the night more closer the dawn will be.
Till now i used to believe in that but now i feel its just an illusion of my mind as every time i cope up with changes, that is how we grow, but till what extent? now i feel like its a never ending process and everything is happening in just random order and in turn triggering new events, what is this number? "100", one would simply answer this is number hundred but it is number hundred because we say so, we all agree on that otherwise number "100" and number "1000" could be thought of as a same number.
This is nothing but our belief which holds us but when our belief breaks again and again, then we start finding the answers, and this process keeps going on till we are alive, if we believe in god and in our self things can be easier but its this universe which picks some to learn this lesson and can feel that everything around us is illusion just the mirror image of our mind which we make with all the matter present in this earth otherwise if we could see the thoughts and real world we would have seen just the flow of energy, transforming from one another.

Sometimes my belief forces me to trust on god, and remember that whatever happens, happens for a reason, small example of this, is our earth, as per best of our belief, earth is the only known planet which holds life in it but how come the planet is placed in our solar system in just the right distance from the sun just enough distance to nourish the life form one meter closer all the essential matter to nourish life form must have got evaporated in one meter far it would have got freeze and would have not been able to sustain life.
Its our mind which plays with us which makes us to believe, to feel whatever we see around us.
I feel like one should not know more so that he/she can enjoy the life, now i cannot see the things the way they appear, i cannot enjoy its beauty, everything appears to be the same, it looks like everything around us are just the drops of one energy source.
Now i am not able to enjoy the beauty as i my reasoning denies everything, after each fall down i became more reasonable and now i can live with anything, everything and in anyplace as now i can reason the things that why they are so and can live with them the way they are it does not matter to me, I don't feel enjoyment any more in sensible things as now all things looks insensible to me, for me darkness and light are just the form of same energy, that is the reason i am so illogical and do the things just because i want to do them.
One must always believe in god as it provides base to stand upon in this baseless world.
But now i no more trust anything, they are just floating around me, when you want something and get the same in return all things make sense, but when you don't it feels like everything is happening at random. No matter whatever happens, life doesn't let you rest it keeps flowing, and the fact is you rest only in your grave.
Its like if something has to happen one cannot stop it, because its your will, then no matter however hard one may try, you don't let him do what he wants or just makes him wait so long that things doesn't attract him anymore, so i don't care, do whatever you want, as now all things are same to me. Either good or bad, heaven or hell i can live anywhere.
I wish i could be afraid of something, at least you(god) but now i am not afraid of anything, i can stair straight into your eyes without fear...
I wanted you to slap me, when i offend you but there is nothing but a silence i cannot feel your presence.
To me its just getting darker every time.
Now i will not go anywhere, i will always be there around because i know you does not exist, it is we whose faith created you.
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