Following nature

This article is just a small effort of understanding commercialization and combating its by products.

In our morden busy life we are just so much busy that we have forgotten to find solution of problems now what all we have is just one specialist, well fair enough in todays fast paced life we need specialist for every problem, but were we not having problems earlier how we used to tackle those problems in old days.

Our ancesters used to follow the signs of the nature, they used to learn from it, even now a days also you can learn for example ants teaches how to work hard, Spider teaches us that its not only the material but the combination of material, structure and how it has been used makes the web 100 times stronger than steel.

Same way, i would like to through some light on Commercialization.

Commercialization :-

As per my small practicle knowlwdge i can say that "The driving force of commercialization is our greed and like greed it is ever expanding" and we can see its expantion in the form of Gross Domestic Production(GDP) growth.

Have you ever thought of GDP growth of any country and its meaning?
For any country it keeps on increasing every year, but no one knows where this would end, as ever since Commercialization started every nation is trying to keep up with the race in order to secure the future of the nation by earning more money but what has been ignored in this is that our all GDP comes from our earth like if we have doubled the production of wheat we will have to use more toxicatic organics, which will give better productivity in less time so that the farmer can take 2 crops instead of 1 this way production surely increases but the quality of the soil after each crop degrades no matter what we do it will surely degrade if we compair between 1st year crop and 10th year crop and in addition to that water will be more poluted due to mixture of organic waste, so the simple conclusion is that every year the GDP number rises it means it pushes more pressure on our nation, our planet various studies shows that pressure on our natural resources has increased dramatically in last 3-4 decades and the result of that, some of the forests are completely vanished leaving the bald landscapes behind, we have poluted our water resources drastically, our air is poluted like never before, ground water level has gone to the record low level. our stores of drinking water in the polar region has melted a lot due to global warming these all are the by products of the commercialization and the list does not end here it keeps on growing with new diseases everytime like AIDS, H1N1, SWAIN FLU etc.

The reason of all this mess is earth is not able to dispose what waste we are returning to earth, Due to mass production whatever waste comes out, doesn't get disposed by nature and we dump more, here the supply of garbage is more than the proper garbage absorption or disposal, as till now i don't remember even 1 single big organization which properly disposes all the garbage the amount of waste we are generating there must have been thousands of billion doller companies who used to take care of this, but there is none as this is against the rule of commercialization, as in commercialization only those things matter which can contribute to the GDP but it will never as there are no customer for garbage disposal. In addition to that whatever few options we have for garbage disposal they are inadiquate as in most techniques we rely on nature to heal itself but we forget that it heals with its own pace, you cannot grow a tree overnight and expect mango next morning.

How we can overcome this ?
As i have already stated that we must observe the nature for finding solution, solutions are simple all things that are sustained(constant) happens in a circle,

e.g. Water:- It is a finite source but still from the ages total amount of water is same how? why it didn't get vanished? reason is it goes on in a circle just changing its form, like-wise we must find a way to complete our circle of commercialization by adding strings of garbage collection,

2nd the pace of garbage absorption needs to be sustained meaning garbage generation and garbage collection must be in sync. again if you look at the nature you will find answer that key is not in mass production its in small amount of production in being de-centralized, e.g. we have so many beasts that live on forest only like cow, buffalo, goat, deer etc. but the nature is still in balance how? because we have beasts who live on other beasts they maintain the population of other animals from growing enoromously so that they natural resources doesnt get exhausted by harvovarish animals, this is natures way of managing small circles in the form of animal flock or herds like wise we must also find some way of living in small circles so that we generate just enough garbage that can be absobed by the earth,

But the question arises how we can go back to be tribes again?

There is no need of being tribe again as our nature and science has it all already, it is just some few simple things we need to take care, like total ban on plastic as it cannot be absorbed by the earth, try to use those transport which uses clean energy like electricity, and generate electricity by dams if possible one should use cycle for small distances, this keeps you fit also, very less use of unnecessary commercial items, as the time has changed property must also be given rights, that government must protect in order to keep balance, like this there are several other things also which are fun in doing and can also save earth, We just need to follow the signs of nature, earth, god.

I know this all is possible but how many of us can keep control on our greed? very few, and rest will keep going attracting more herds everytime increasing the pace until everything gets lost, once again proving nature's law that all things comes to an end.

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